Which Areas of My Body Can Be Enhanced Using a Mommy Makeover?

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Pregnancy is one of the most glorious experiences that can happen in a woman’s life. Nothing comes close to giving birth to that little bundle of joy. While your entire life changes after your baby is born, your body may have already experienced many of its own during pregnancy.

Having a child puts your body through a number of different changes. These changes are necessary for the birth and well-being of the child, but they may not be very pleasant for you to look at afterward.

From loose skin to sagging breasts and unwanted fat, your body will look and feel completely different after childbirth. A lot of new mothers no longer feel attractive after having children and yearn for the look of their pre-pregnancy bodies. Some try to commit to healthy diets and rigorous exercise routines, but they can only help so much. Luckily for them, there is another way to get their dream bodies back.

Put Your Hands Together For The Mommy Makeover

The “mommy makeover” is a phrase used to describe a combination of cosmetic surgeries designed specifically to repair aesthetic issues that women commonly face after going through a pregnancy.

The procedures included are primarily designed to improve the contours of your body for a more aesthetically pleasing figure. The mommy makeover is popular thanks to its versatility. The procedure can be customized to suit an individual’s unique needs. The most common components are a tummy tuck and breast contouring procedures.

The mommy makeover is a popular procedure among women who are keen on looking their best after giving birth. The surgery is tailor-made to suit your needs after determining the best methods to achieve your desired results.

You should make sure to speak to your cosmetic doctor in case you are considering undergoing the mommy makeover. He can help determine which surgeries to include to give you the best results possible.

What Does A Mommy Makeover Include?

The most common areas that undergo major changes with pregnancy and childbirth are the abdomen and the breasts. During pregnancy, your breasts become enlarged but they don’t return to their original shape and size. They remain enlarged or begin to sag.

The skin, tissues, and muscles in your abdomen become stretched and weakened during pregnancy. After childbirth, it is near impossible for your skin and tissue to return back to how they were. The mommy makeover procedure normally focuses on these areas, but you can add or remove procedures to suit your needs.

The mommy makeover typically includes the following procedures:

• Breast Lift
• Breast reduction
• Breast augmentation
• Liposuction
• Tummy tuck

Most women undergo the breast lift and tummy tuck in their mommy makeover procedures. The breast lift involves the removal of excess skin and tissue from the breast area to correct sagging or drooping breasts. The tummy tuck is performed to remove excess skin and fat from the stomach and abdominal area to produce a slimmer, more chiseled tummy.

Breast augmentation is performed if you’re looking for larger, fuller breasts. This involves the use of implants or fat transfer. If you are interested in a fuller figure, you could also consider a Brazilian butt lift for a more shapely buttocks. The mommy makeover can be customized to include an arm lift and thigh lift as well if those are areas that you’re concerned about.

The goal of a mommy makeover is to give women their pre-pregnancy bodies back. With a mommy makeover, mothers feel more attractive and confident about their appearance.

Schedule Your Mommy Makeover in Dallas Today!

For more details on the mommy makeover procedure and its benefits, contact the Plastic Surgery Center of Dallas to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gregory Stagnone today.

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