Nipple reduction surgery in Dallas, TX

Beauty portrait of a young brunette woman isolated on pink background

Beauty portrait of a young brunette woman isolated on pink backgroundAt the Plastic Surgery Center of Dallas, Dr. Rachel Walker is a plastic surgeon who has helped many patients in the Dallas, TX area with undergoing cosmetic surgeries to improve their appearance. For those with large, inverted, or problematic nipples, certain procedures such as nipple reduction can be done to address this issue and restore one’s self-confidence and pride in their appearance. Continue reading to learn more about this procedure and whether or not you might be a proper candidate for surgery.

What is nipple reduction surgery?

Nipple reduction surgery is a procedure that can be performed to change the size or shape of the nipples. It may be done for cosmetic reasons, to improve the function of the nipples, or to correct a birth defect. Dr. Rachel Walker of Dallas, TX, is available to help patients who are looking to reduce or alter their nipples for improved self-confidence.

What can I expect from nipple reduction surgery?

The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis, which means you won’t need to stay in the hospital overnight. Dr. Rachel Walker, our surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Center of Dallas, will make small incisions in the skin around the nipple and remove excess tissue. Then, she will close the incisions with stitches or staples.

What happens after nipple reduction surgery?

After the surgery, you’ll likely have some soreness and swelling. You may also experience some drainage from your incisions. These should all be resolved within a few weeks. Once healed, you’ll have altered, more attractive nipples that help you regain your confidence when wearing more revealing clothing.

How do I find out more about nipple reduction surgery?

If you’re considering nipple reduction surgery, be sure to consult with an experienced plastic surgeon who has performed this procedure for others with great results. This includes Dr. Rachel Walker of the Plastic Surgery Center of Dallas. She can answer all of your questions and help you make the best decision for your unique needs. Call 972-661-5077 to request an appointment at her Dallas, TX, area practice to find out if you are a good candidate for this or other plastic or reconstructive procedures available.

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