An Extended Tummy Tuck for a Little Extra Enhancement

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One of the primary concerns of most individuals who have an otherwise fit body is a flabby belly that is largely unresponsive to toning exercises and diet alterations. With cutting edge advancements in the field of medicine and plastic surgery, a revolutionary procedure called the tummy tuck provides an effective solution for your body image related issues.

The extended tummy tuck, a more advanced version of the traditional tummy tuck, aims to achieve a more comprehensive contour of the abdomen and can produce extraordinarily impressive results.

What is an Extended Tummy Tuck?

The extended tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that addresses several issues, including the removal sagging skin on the sides, also known as love handles and enhances muscle strength and flexibility in the surrounding hip region.

Unlike the traditional Abdominoplasty procedure that treats only the abdominal region, the extended tummy tuck takes care of other areas such as the flank and the back region as well. As a result, the patient is able to achieve a beautifully sculpted abdomen region, along with a nice waist and hip.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for an Extended Tummy Tuck?

Typically the extended tummy tuck is performed on people who have sagging or loose skin and excessive fat deposits in their waist flank or love handles. It is especially beneficial for individuals who have undergone massive weight loss and are looking for ways to get rid of the extra loose skin hanging from their back, hip, waist, or tummy.

The extended tummy tuck is also useful for people who wish to correct laxity and restore the firmness and strength of their abdominal wall, back, flank, and hip muscles.

How is the Extended Tummy Tuck Performed?

Typically the extended tummy tuck is performed under the effects of general anesthesia wherein the patient is put to sleep for the duration of the operation. Unlike the traditional tummy tuck, the extended tummy tuck is done by making an incision that extends from the hip region up to the back.

Your doctor will trim away the excess flank and abdominal skin and then tighten the abdominal muscles. He may also reposition the navel to align it with the newly contoured waist. In some cases, the extended tummy tuck procedure is carried out in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures such as liposuction, arm lift, Brazilian butt lift, thigh lift, and more.


The procedure can usually take anywhere between two to three hours. You might experience mild swelling or pain that can be treated easily with prescription medication. After the procedure, you will be required to restrict strenuous activities for a couple of weeks to ensure adequate healing of the operated area.

Contact Our Office

An extended tummy tuck can be a great solution for those who have a hard time toning the stomach, waist, or hips. If you would like to learn more about the procedure or want to talk to an experienced surgeon like Dr. Gregory Stagnone, contact us to schedule a consultation today.

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