Any type of surgery can be hard on the body and requires patients to take sufficient downtime to properly heal and return to their daily routines as soon as possible. At the Plastic Surgery Center of Dallas, Dr. Rachel Walker and her team are happy to provide body contouring services such as tummy tuck procedures. However, individuals considering this treatment will want to speak to our team about the recovery process to ensure they are taking the necessary time off work, school, and social activities following their procedure.
What Is a Tummy Tuck?
The tummy tuck procedure is a cosmetic surgery used to remove both unwanted fat and excess skin from the midsection. It can help individuals with stubborn fat in the abdominal area that does not respond well to diet and exercise. Patients must understand that the tummy tuck procedure is not intended as a weight loss surgery, and most candidates for this surgery are those within their ideal weight range looking to contour the area.
What Can I Expect When Recovering From a Tummy Tuck Procedure?
It is normal to experience some discomfort and swelling in the affected area following your tummy tuck procedure. This will generally subside within a week or two. Patients are encouraged to take their prescribed medication as directed and wear their compression garments during this time, as these factors can both help reduce swelling and speed up recovery. The Plastic Surgery Center of Dallas team may also recommend that you do not engage in strenuous activities, such as heavy lifting or vigorous exercise, for several weeks after surgery to ensure your body has sufficient time to heal fully without additional stress.
Schedule a Visit With Our Team To Learn More About the Tummy Tuck Surgery
If you are interested in achieving a slimmer midsection through body contouring procedures like tummy tucks, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rachel Walker. The office is located in Dallas, TX, and is open to new patients who are ready to learn more about the aesthetic services available, including both surgical and nonsurgical options for the face and body.