The Importance of a Tummy Tuck in Your Mommy Makeover

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Being pregnant and giving birth to a new life is one of the most beautiful and magical things about being a woman. From the outside looking in, you may see a pregnant woman and think about how beautiful she is and how wonderful it is to be responsible for giving life. As true as this may be, it is only the pregnant woman who truly knows what it is to be pregnant and the harsh realities that come with it.

The body takes on a different form to accommodate the child a woman is carrying. It slowly transforms itself, causing the muscles in the abdominal region and rear area to become weakened and loose. The situation is much more critical than one would initially imagine, especially if the mother has more than one child.

When a woman sees how much her body has changed as a result of the pregnancy, she may feel as if she lacks charm and beauty. Fortunately, as advancements in cosmetic medicine improves, there are more options available to women who want to improve their bodies.

One treatment that will give women the body they desire is a mommy makeover. This procedure is a combination of different cosmetic surgeries that aim to bring back a woman’s alluring contours and return the look of youth and beauty.

Tummy Tuck in Mommy Makeover

Among the procedures involved in the mommy makeover, a tummy tuck is the primary one that most woman opt for. The stomach is impacted much more than the other parts of the body both during and after pregnancy. A tummy tuck can help restore the firmness of the underlying muscles in the stomach area and enhance your overall look.

During the procedure, an incision is made near the pubic bone. From here, your surgeon will tighten the muscles and remove any excess skin. In case any small pockets of fat reside in the treatment area, liposuction is done to remove it.

Why Consider Tummy Tuck in Mommy Make Over

A mommy makeover may consist of several cosmetic procedures, including a breast reduction or enhancement, fat removal, cellulite removal, stretch mark removal, or a tummy tuck. The tummy tuck is essential because of its ability to provide women with toned abdominals and the most aesthetically pleasing contours possible. A few benefits provided by the procedure include:

• Enhanced definition in the abdominal area – You’ll get an aesthetically pleasing body that is free from saggy abdominal skin and weakened muscles.
• Reduced Stressed Urinary Incontinence (SUI) – Post-pregnancy, women develop a bladder control problem that can be triggered by simple movements like sneezing or laughing. Abdominoplasty reduces the problem by creating an obstruction with the help of tissue near the pelvic area.
• Improvements in posture – The procedure tightens the muscles of the abdomen which contribute to better posture overall.
• Reduction in changes of ventral hernia – Massive weight gain or a C-section,can lead to the breakage of abdominal tissue through the abdominal wall. This can result in the creation of a sack. A weak abdominal wall facilitates hernia formation. This procedure tightens the wall, reducing the symptoms of ventral hernia.

Contact Our Office

The tummy tuck is a safe and effective procedure that will allow you to achieve your ideal abdominal region. If you’re interested in including a tummy tuck in your mommy makeover, contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Gregory Stagnone, a highly respected board-certified plastic surgeon.

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