Is a thigh lift the right surgery for you?

Legs crossed of young woman resting by swimming pool.

Legs crossed of young woman resting by swimming pool.Before deciding whether or not to undergo a thigh lift procedure, patients in the Dallas, TX area should consult with a plastic surgeon to discuss their specific goals and medical history. In general, thigh lifts are most appropriate for patients who are bothered by excess skin and fat on their thighs and who have good skin elasticity. The surgery can help improve the contour and appearance of the thighs but is not without risks. You should be aware of these risks before making a decision about surgery. At the Plastic Surgery Center of Dallas, our plastic surgeon Dr. Rachel Walker ensures that you are well-informed about the procedure to determine if it is right for your unique needs.

How am I evaluated for the thigh lift procedure?

Dr. Rachel Walker will review the procedure during your consultation to help you decide which procedures are right for you. Potential risks and benefits of thigh lift surgery may vary depending on the procedure patients choose to have done, including others performed at the same time, the patient’s age, medical history, and other factors.

What are some common risks and complications?

Some of the possible general complications of thigh lift surgery include:

  • Asymmetry due to tissue necrosis or poor healing
  • Rippling or wrinkling of skin after removal of excess fat and skin flaps (fat necrosis or fat embolism syndrome)
  • Infection
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma)
  • Poor scarring from tissue necrosis or from an incision that extends down to the fascia (deep tissue layer under the skin)
  • Unfavorable scarring from a previous surgery or trauma to the area

Is the thigh lift surgery safe?

Thigh lift surgery is generally considered safe for patients in good overall health, but patients should not have a thigh lift if they have a medical condition that will increase risk of complications from general anesthesia. This is why it is important for patients to speak to a professional about their medical history and prescription medications they take regularly.

How do I learn more?

Speaking with a professional is the first step in finding out if you are a proper candidate for the thigh lift surgery. Dr. Rachel Walker encourages you to book a consultation visit and initial evaluation to find out if they are a good fit. The office can be reached at 972-661-5077.

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