Experience the Difference a Lower Body Lift can make After Childbirth

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Having a child can significantly change the shape of a woman’s body. New moms often times experience excess loose skin and weakened muscles after giving birth. However, being a mother doesn’t always mean that you have to lose your toned body.

It is not always easy to get back in shape after after after giving birth with a strict diet and workout plan alone. Also, taking care of a child leaves very little time to commit to these things, further adding to the difficulty of achieving your dream body.

Luckily for you, there is a cosmetic procedure called a lower body lift that can give you the mommy makeover you need. With the help of these procedures, you can have your pre-pregnancy body back and looking better than ever.

What Is A Lower Body Lift?

A lower body lift in a mommy makeover is a surgical procedure that concentrates on contouring the body from the abdomen downwards to the buttocks, groin, and thighs. When a woman is pregnant, these are the areas of the body that experience saggy skin and excess fat the most.

Included in the lower body lift is the tummy tuck, liposuction if necessary, and buttocks augmentation. During a consultation with your plastic surgeon, you can find out exactly what to expect from the surgery and if you will make a good candidate for the procedure.

Who Qualifies For A Mommy Makeover Lower Body Lift?

Women who have undergone multiple pregnancies are ideal candidates for the mommy makeover lower body lift. In addition, you need to be in good physical health, lead a healthy lifestyle and have had a stable weight for at least a year.

If you choose to undergo the procedures, you need to be in good general health and be ready to follow any of the instructions given to you by your doctor. It is also very important to note that you should consider the procedure only if you don’t plan on having any more children.

What to Expect During the Lower Body Lift Surgery

The mommy makeover lower body lift is not just one procedure but several. When you first decide to have the required surgeries, you should talk to your doctor to find out which options are best for you. After a thorough examination, the surgeon will advise you on what you need.

All the procedures are performed under anesthesia so you won’t feel a thing. Typically the procedures would first involve liposuction to remove any excess fat from around your abdomen, back, and thighs. If you include a buttocks lift, then the same fat that is removed from your body will be purified and injected into your buttocks.

For loose skin around the abdomen, you will require another procedure that is called a tummy tuck. During this procedure, your surgeon will make incisions in certain areas and remove all excess skin and tighten the abdominal muscles. The surgeon will then close the incisions making sure to keep your skin tight and toned.

Recovery From A Mommy Makeover Lower Body Lift

After the procedures, you will see the changes in your body almost immediately. You should give yourself enough time to heal and be sure to follow your doctor’s post-surgical care instructions carefully to achieve the best results.

You will be required to wear compression garments for two weeks to a month after the surgeries. Make sure to avoid smoking or consuming alcohol for a month before and after the surgery as it can help you heal faster.

Enjoy a toned, contoured post-pregnancy body with the mommy makeover lower body lift treatment.

Learn More About the Lower Body Lift with Dr. Gregory Stagnone

Interested in learning more about the lower body lift? Contact our office to schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Stagnone today.

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